Bowen Island

Multi-use Pathway

The Bowen Island Municipality multi-use pathway is in the process of being constructed and will be phased in over time. The pathway will create a linked active transportation network across the island, making walking a safe and accessible option to get around. The pathway connects residential neighbourhoods with key destinations. 

The Bowen Island Transportation Plan 2018-2038 provides details on the new network to help understand the priorities and considerations of the project. Read more >>

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Cardena Drive Safety Improvements

Identified as a priority in Bowen Island Transportation Plan, the Cardena Drive safety improvements were completed in late 2019. Improvements included many pedestrian-related infrastructure improvements including widening of the road to accommodate an accessible sidewalk and a bus shelter. Read more>>

Wayfinding Signage & Creative Crosswalks

Wayfinding signage will play a key role along the pathway to help permanent residents and visitors alike navigate the pedestrian paths and its key destinations.

Creative crosswalks near main destinations foster a sense of community and place while creating a fun and friendly pedestrian environment.

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