

Temporary Outdoor Space Expansion Program - Phase 2

In an effort to facilitate the reopening of local businesses and in aid of Coquitlam’s economic and social recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the City developed this program to allow patios and outdoor spaces on City rights-of-way including sidewalks and curb-side parking stalls.

The extra space is intended to allow patrons more space to maintain physical distancing. Examples could include:

  • Restaurant or table seating;

  • Merchant displays (e.g. clothing racks, outdoor tables, etc.);

  • Pick-up or drop-off kiosk or customer queuing; or

  • Checkout areas.


School Walkability Program

Banting Middle School’s Best Routes Map

Banting Middle School’s Best Routes Map

In partnership with TravelSmart, a Middle School Walk-Bike Program was developed for Coquitlam’s eight middle schools. This program includes “Best Routes Maps’ and ‘School Travel Plan’ information for students.

See the maps and plans for the eight participating middle schools:


Neighbourhood Improvement Program

In 2018, the Neighbourhood Improvement Pilot Program was developed to improve 10 neighbourhoods across Coquitlam. Improvements included street lights repainted, graffiti removed from city-owned utility boxes, wheelchair ramps installed at intersections, road lines remarked, faded traffic signs replaced, overhead overhead street name signs at signalized intersections replaced with ones that illuminate internally, overgrown vegetation removed and fire hydrants repainted.

This program is continuing into 2020 with the retrofitting of concrete barriers with letdowns and tactile pads.


Transit Related Road Infrastructure Program (TRRIP)

This program aims to have all bus stops be wheel-char accessible through the installation of landing pads, making a wider sidewalk to allow for easier maneuverability.

The Addition of Durant Linear Park

Photo From: TriCity News

Photo From: TriCity News

On August 12, 2020, the addition of Durant Linear Park was unveiled by the City of Coquitlam and creates pedestrian and cyclist trail connections between Guilford Way and Nash Drive. The addition includes 212 steps climbing a 110-foot elevation, creating.a new space for exercise and transportation opportunities to Coquitlam’s community members.


New ‘Coquitlam Crunch alternative’ unveiled in Coquitlam >>