Walking into the new season

If the colder days, the falling leaves, and the rain in the forecast haven’t made a dent yet, we are here to tell you: It is Walktober!


Walktober is an annual celebration of walking. During this month, organizations, and individuals commit to making walking part of their daily routine.

And, you know, we are very excited about anything that relates to walking.

At Living Streets, we don't like using the car as a raincoat, so we are determined to convince you how lovely is walking in this season. Rainy and windy days only mean that we need to put the Birkenstocks in the closet and bring out the Blundstones...and maybe some extra rain gear.

Kid walking next to trees on a rainy morning

Kid walking next to trees on a rainy morning

Exploring the parks or your neighbourhood on foot is a great way to experience this magical time of year, and there are lots of different autumn highlights to enjoy on local walks near you.

Different shades of autumn leaves in street trees

Different shades of autumn leaves in street trees

This month, it isn't only the beautiful palette that gives us awe, but the uniqueness of the scenes we experience.

Did you know that the vibrancy of autumn colours depends on the temperature, moisture, and sunlight that the trees get throughout the year?

A wet spring, a hot summer, followed by sunny autumn days and frosty nights usually makes for a dazzling leaf display unpredictable each season. The only constant factor to initiate the biochemical processes in the leaf changing colour is the shortening day length.

If the rain gets you in the middle of your walking, don't shrug your shoulders, it is just water! And, you have the perfect excuse to go inside your favourite café for a hot drink.

Yes, yes...we know it takes a lot of willpower to try to squeeze a walk when everything turns grey and wet. But as the days are getting shorter, you have more chances to catch a sunset after a dinner walk. It also works great for controlling your blood sugar spikes.

If we haven't convinced you yet, think about it as a romantic activity to go with your partner. A moment to have some couple time, chatting and unwinding after your day.

Or you can always go by yourself and notice that there is something about the utter, total freedom in the act of putting one foot in front of the other.

Person walking in a rainy day

Person walking in a rainy day

Happy Walking!

This blog post is written by BEST’s Isabel Garcia. #walkability