Moving in a Livable Region - All Candidates Forum

On October 15, Moving in a Livable Region held an online forum with three candidates seeking to be elected as MLAs in the Metro Vancouver area. George Affleck (BC Liberals), Bowinn Ma (BC NDP) and Harrison Johnston (BC Green Party) participated in a transit nerd, polite and positive debate about mobility and land use.

All three candidates agreed that public transit, not highways, are the solution that will keep the region moving. Conversation ranged from long term planning to funding, policies, and opportunities to improve the service without increasing fares.

Bowinn Ma, speaking from her experience in government in the last sitting of the legislature, noted that the BC NDP is assuring public transit operators that continuing operational funding will be available.

Harrison Johnston argued that free transit for youth will encourage people to make public transit their preferred option. He noted that collaboration with municipalities would be important in developing this program.

George Affleck talked about the need to support local economies by creating a predictable long-term funding formula would help deliver economic stability.

All three candidates expressed support for the idea of extending the Broadway Subway Project from Arbutus to UBC.