Walking, Educating, Staying Safe - Community Highlight — BEST Mobility

Walking, Educating, Staying Safe - Community Highlight

Communities around BC are actively taking action to make streets safer for pedestrians -- this includes pedestrian plazas, car-free days and slower streets.

Located in the North Coast region of BC, and designed on Garden City principles, the District of Kitimat boasts some unique pedestrian infrastructure and has recently implemented a new pedestrian plaza.

Whereas in many communities around BC homes traditionally face outwards to the street, in Kitimat they face inwards towards a community-wide network of walking paths. This contributes to a friendly and safe community environment, benefiting children, seniors and everyone in between. This unique network of sidewalks stands as a point of pride in the District of Kitimat. Check out the full network here.

In addition to their walking network, the District recently implemented a new pedestrian plaza, converting a section of a large surface parking lot into an activated space with food trucks. Soon to come, picnic tables!



