Walking for Healthy Living, Healthy Communities

Many of us walk for a variety of reasons, whether it’s to exercise, get groceries, walk to the bus, walk the dog, or just to get outside. All of these are great reasons, and they all contribute to healthy living. 

We know the benefits of walking for health -- it lowers blood pressure, it’s good for the cardiovascular system, it reduces our chance of heart disease, and even helps keep bones and muscles strong. 

But walking for healthy living can also mean mental, social and community health. We walk to clear our minds, whether it be the sidewalks near our home, the main street in town, or on a local trail. 

Walking isn’t just good for us, it also helps us to explore our own communities.

Walking can contribute to the health of our local economies by helping us stay and shop locally, and build relationships with local businesses. This is particularly important during phase 3 of the BC Restart Plan, when many local businesses need our support, including local grocers, cafes, restaurants, galleries, boutiques, and breweries. Walking can help to support the health of all of these businesses and contribute to a stronger, healthier community as a whole.

Consider walking to your local cafe, farmers market or going on an art walk in your community.

Are you looking for a fun way to get out for a walk? Here are some examples of self-guided public walks around BC.

Interior BC

Kamloops Public Art Walking Tour

Kelowna Art Walks

Fernie Art Walk

Nelson Heritage Walk

Revelstoke Historic Walk

Castlegar Sculpture Walk

Lower Mainland

Mount Pleasant Mural Festival Map and Tour

White Rock’s Discover Public Art by Foot

Northern BC

Prince George Historic Downtown

Sea to Sky

Stanley Park Environmental Art Walk

Whistler/Squamish/Bowen Island 

Vancouver Island

Sidney by the Sea Historic Walking Tour

City of Victoria Historic Walking Tours

Tell us more about why you walk, or what barriers stand in the way of you walking more by filling out the Living Streets survey. Check out our Living Streets 2020 group on Strava to be part of an online walking community and see how and why others around BC are walking.

Let us know of any self-directed walks in your community!