
Why and How To Take Advantage of Your U-Pass

Why and How To Take Advantage of Your U-Pass

A universal pass, otherwise known as U-Pass, is a transit pass offered to students in post-secondary schools in BC. By offering this pass at a reduced cost for students, included in their tuition, Translink provides students with an affordable and sustainable method of transportation while attending school. While some students employ their U-Pass more than others, there are still ways for all students to take advantage of theirs; Which they should.

Journey of Age: Navigating Transportation for Seniors in BC

Journey of Age: Navigating Transportation for Seniors in BC

One of our key initiatives, Seniors on the Move (SOTM), focuses on expanding transportation options for older adults in BC, enabling them to continue leading fulfilling lives even after they stop driving. We understand the emotional and practical challenges of ceasing to drive, and we aim to facilitate a smooth transition to a new chapter of mobility.