HUB Cycling releases ‘Benchmarking the State of Cycling in Metro Vancouver’ report
Developed in partnership with all Metro Vancouver municipalities and TransLink, the regional transit authority, the State of Cycling report provides a snapshot of the extent and quality of the region's bikeway network.
Over 18 months in the making, the State of Cycling does more than just provide an up-to-date picture of the lower mainland's route infrastructure.
The report shows that in areas where the network has grown and improved, the rate of collisions involving people who cycle has dropped, and cycling trips have increased significantly. It also suggests that where cycling rates are highest, local economies are strongest, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transportation are lowest, collision rates involving vulnerable road users are lowest, and health outcomes are the best.
What else does the State of Cycling have to tell us about the growth of cycling in Metro Vancouver?
The region is home to approximately 16,000 bikeways, totalling 4,600 km (almost 200% growth since 2009)
Approximately half of all regional bikeways are rated "Comfortable for most"
From 2006-2016, the region saw a 35% increase in the percentage of commuters who cycle
Among 23 local governments, Vancouver rated highest for ‘supportive policies and practices’’; Surrey boasted the highest proportion of the region’s bikeways (25%)
In addition to providing useful and easy-to-read graphs and charts chronicling the state of Metro Vancouver’s cycling facilities and opportunities for growth, the report also includes a new, standardized bikeway ‘quality ranking’ classification system, and a glossary of bikeway facility types.
Courtesy of HUB Cycling.